Professional Resources
“It Takes a Village”
As seasoned Practice Managers and Business Partners, we often take our experience and knowledge of the healthcare industry for granted. However, for students and “newer” managers, this is not the case. So often, these individuals struggle with trying to find resources to help them address and solve problems that may face them - whether it’s an assignment in a class, or a live situation in which the manager has no one to turn to.
For example, a college student in a healthcare management program may have an assignment to interview a practice manager about challenges associated with implementing an EMR, or personnel issues. In addition, students may want to start networking with healthcare professionals as they get closer to the time when they will have to identify practicum sites to complete their degrees.
Every Practice Manager starts out new and green. Imagine a novice Practice Manager or supervisor who may have questions related to their practices and have no one to turn to in their organization. As the Practice Manager, they’re supposed to know how to get things done – even if they’ve never faced the situation before! For that matter, even experience practice managers need advice or someone to bounce ideas off of.
This is where the Greater St. Louis MGMA can help. We are in the process of establishing a “Professional Resource Pool” through which individuals may call and/or e-mail more experienced professionals to gain access to information and knowledge that they may not readily be able to get their hands on. “Experienced professionals” will identify areas in which they feel comfortable addressing. Individuals needing help will then have access to this list and may call upon the mentors for “quick advice or information” as needed.
Please Note: Individuals are not required to be members of Greater St. Louis MGMA to have access to this valuable resource.
If you are interested in participating as a mentor, please complete this Professional Resource Information Form and e-mail it to me at
Thanks in advance for your support. This is just another way that the Greater St. Louis MGMA seeks to support its vision and mission of nurturing healthcare practices and professionals through access, networking and education.
Karen Schechter
Director/Assistant Professor of Healthcare Practice Management
Walker College of Health Professions, Maryville University
President/Senior Advisor,
Schechter Healthcare Advisors