Get Involved


Join A Committee and Get Involved!

Greater St. Louis MGMA is always looking for volunteers who are interested in serving on one of our committees.  We need volunteers for the Membership, Education, and Business Partners Committees.  Serving on a commmittee is a great way to network with fellow members, earn volunteer hours from MGMA and give back to our community.



Membership Committee volunteers help recruit and retain members and assist members in becoming involved with Greater St. Louis MGMA through committee participation. Activities include identifying potential members, helping new members feel welcome and developing strategies to promote membership and involvement.

Contact: Suzann Crowder, President, at



Help set the educational agenda! Education Committee members develop topics, recruit speakers and work with the board to coordinate logisitics for programs. Program formats include lunch meetings, afterwork gatherings, webinars, our annual Medicare Update and Annual Conference.

Contact: Suzann Crowder, President, at


Business Partners

This committee represents the Business Partner company members. Committee members assist in the development of sponsorship/advertising at various levels, identify new opportunities to foster Business Partner and Practice Manager relationships, as well as represent the overall best interests of the Business Partner members. Committee members must work for Business Partner member companies.

Contact: Dan Reilly, VP Business Partners, at


Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Future Board Member?

The St. Louis MGMA board is a group of enthusiastic volunteers who are excited about leading this organization and ensuring that we will continue to be a local resource for practice manager educational and networking.  If you think you might be interested in joining the board someday it is never too early to let us know of your interest. Board slates are prepared in the fall of each year. The new board takes the helm in January of each year. If you want to learn more contact Debra O'Shea at or Stacey Loomis at


Get involved today to help STLMGMA advance leaders and practices in the Greater St. Louis area and beyond!

Opportunities range in time and scope to best match your interests and availability!